Références bibliographiques - Module 1
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Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 1
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Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 2
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- Spiertz, H. 2010. Food production, crops and sustainability: restoring confidence in science and technology. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2 : 439-443.
Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 3
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Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 4
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- Haberl, H., Beringer, T., Bhattacharya, S.C., Erb, K.-H., Hoogwijk, M. 2010. The global technical potential of bio-energy in 2050 considering sustainability constraints.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2 : 394-403.
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- Richardson, D.M., Blanchard R. 2011. Learning from our mistakes: minimizing problems with invasive biofuel plants. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3 : 36-42.
- Séguin, A. 2011. How could forest trees play an important role as feedstock for bioenergy production? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3 : 90-94.
Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 5
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- Lovell, H., Bulkeley, H., Liverman, D. 2009.Carbon offsetting: sustaining consumption? Environment and Planning A 41 : 2357-2379.
Références bibliographiques - Module 2 - Thème 6
- Lasserre, F. 2006. Le partage de l’eau dans le monde : un enjeu majeur du XXIe siècle. Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez 36 (2) : 171-183.
- Lebel, L., Daniel, R. 2009. The governance of ecosystem services from tropical upland watersheds. Current Opinion Environmental Sustainability 1 : 61-68.
- Ward, F.A. 2007. Decision support for water policy: a review of economic concepts and tools. Water Policy 9 : 1-31.